If you cannot connect into the Bank network and you need support, please call the appropriate telephone number for your region listed below. Leave a voicemail clearly stating the following information:
- Email address
- Location
- Contact Number (including country code)
- Brief description of the issue
One of our Tech Lounge engineers will be in contact as soon as possible.
Contact Number |
Alternative Contact Number |
Australia |
+61 282582100 |
China |
+86 2120802685 |
Hong Kong |
+85 222037777 |
India |
+91 2071292222 |
+91 80 66563333 |
Indonesia |
+62 2129644043 |
Japan |
+81 351567777 |
Kazakhstan |
(+7) 7273493827 |
Malaysia |
+60 320537544 |
Pakistan |
+92 2135207222 |
Philippines |
+63 287775105 |
+63 287770707 |
Singapore |
+65 64237377 |
South Korea |
+82 23168899 |
Sri Lanka |
+65 64237377 |
Taiwan |
+88 6221924777 |
Thailand |
+66 26465299 |
Vietnam |
+84 2862998621 |
EMEA (Excluding Germany) |
Contact Number |
Alternative Contact Number |
Austria |
+43 153181838 |
Bahrain |
+97 317203770 |
Belgium |
+32 25516371 |
Czech Republic |
+42 0221191348 |
Egypt |
+20 224000969 |
France |
+33 144956625 |
Greece |
+30 2107208712 |
Hungary |
+36 13013736 |
Israel |
+97 237102027 |
Italy |
+39 0236162921 |
Luxembourg |
+352 421225555 |
Netherlands |
+31 207983899 |
Nigeria |
+23 412777147 |
Poland |
+48 225798738 |
Portugal |
+35 1211235444 |
Qatar |
+97 440449719 |
Romania |
+40 312224236 |
Russia |
+74 959339393 |
Saudi Arabia |
+96 6112739666 |
South Africa |
+27 117757039 |
Spain |
+34 933 673 150 |
Sweden |
+46 84635532 |
Switzerland |
+41 442245555 |
Turkey |
+90 2123170286 |
United Arab Emirates |
+97 143611777 |
Ukraine |
+38 0444611560 |
Ireland & UK |
Contact Number |
Alternative Contact Number |
Ireland |
+353 1 8653686 |
United Kingdom |
+44 207 5411 572 |
Americas |
Contact Number |
Alternative Contact Number |
Brazil |
+55 1121135555 |
+55 1121135726 |
Canada |
+1416-682-8380 |
Cayman Islands |
+44 203 691 9086 |
Mexico |
+52 5552018115 |
United States |
+1 212 2501143 |
Germany |
Contact Number |
Alternative Contact Number |
Germany |
+49 6991030300 |